Much to Celebrate 🥂
Ever since the advent of Champagne, sparkling wine has become synonymous with celebration. We see it at birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, and more! Whenever we reach a significant milestone, the cork goes pop!
This year our family and winery reached a lot of great milestones, and you can bet we did a lot of celebrating. To list a few things…
We finally completed the rebuild of the Main House! Henry and Olga have made the move to Napa full time and have been loving their new home. It’s quite different than the original structure, which many of you may remember. This new build has a lot of their unique style and personality. It’s truly gorgeous and we couldn’t be more thrilled!
If that wasn’t enough, we just signed the paperwork on rebuilding the back cottage. Some of you may recall this is where Henry kept his car collection. We expect the stables will be stocked again soon!
Another exciting bit of news is that we recently signed up with Vintage Wine Marketing as our exclusive California broker! Now don’t get too excited. This doesn’t mean you’re going to start seeing us at your local Trader Joe’s. However, you might want to start keeping an eye out at your favorite steakhouses and specialty wine shops.
VWM was founded by Steve and Faith Ventrello in 2002, and since then they’ve been instrumental in building up some great brands. To name a few you might know, Frank Family, Patz & Hall, Del Dotto, Smith-Madrone, and the list goes on! We’re so happy to have found a home with them, and look forward to sharing Patland wine with even more wine-lovers like you!
Lastly, we had the return of the Patland Release Party! We were joined by friends, family and club members on Saturday, November 5th at The Caves at Soda Canyon.
Music was pumping through the caves all day long. Chef Munther was dishing out the goods. The wine bars were perfectly stocked. Brix the wine dog greeted everyone personally. Some very exciting cars made an appearance! It was a great day, and just so nice to be reunited. We can’t wait for the next one!
You can bet bottles of Patland bubbly were popped at every one of these occasions! Some of you were even there for them. Remember getting handed a coupe upon your arrival at the Release Party?! We’re always happy for the opportunity to toast with you.
So the next time you reach a great milestone, we hope you’ll let us join you for the celebration. Pop the cork on a bottle of Patland, not just to celebrate the accomplishment, but all the effort that went into reaching it. Cheers!